Extracted from an article in the International Gem Society by Donald Clark, CSM IMG
For thousands of years, terms such as rubies, sapphires, gems, and jewels have been in our vocabulary. However, some find defining a gem quite challenging. Not everyday people with common sense but people like lexicographers, who need to define each word in our language very precisely. I feel sorry for them, since simply no concise definition covers all the materials that have been regarded as gemstones throughout the centuries.
Minerals vs. Organics
Most gems are minerals, but some, notably pearl and amber, are organics. Living organisms create these materials. By definition, a mineral must be created inside the earth. (To add some confusion, a pearl’s coating is a mineral though it’s created in a mollusk). Hence, pearls fall into a different category. Likewise, amber began life as tree sap. After millions of years, it transformed into a polymer, a natural plastic. People have regarded amber as a gem for thousands of years, although it’s definitely not a mineral.
Cutting and Polishing
So much for beauty and durability. How about cutting and polishing? Currently, many people love using whole crystals in jewelry. In decades past, this wasn’t the case. Mother Nature’s crystals can be exceptionally beautiful. Some even believe they have special metaphysical properties that are enhanced when left whole. So, we can’t insist that our gems be cut and polished, either.
The last qualification usually associated with a gemstone is its use for human adornment. People have cut, polished, and admired about 3,000 minerals. Of these, only about a hundred show up in jewelry. The rest are simply too delicate to wear well. They fall strictly in the collector’s domain.
The allure of gemstones lies in their fantasy of color and light. Beautifully colored stones have intrigued people since time immemorial. The love of gems hasn’t changed. However, we now have to contend with a very scientific element. As much as I love the science of gemology, it has the unfortunate side effect of taking much of the mystique and romance out of our stones.
To heck with the definitions. If it makes your eyes light up, it’s a true gem!

A Few Words About
Crystals and Minerals
There has been a recent uptick in turning to what is know as complementary and alternative medicine. This includes everything from acupuncture and yoga to tai chi and even healing crystals. In fact, you’ve probably heard people talking about, and proudly displaying these beautiful stones and may not have known what they could offer you.
Historically, in ancient Egypt and other cultures from antiquity, people believed gemstones to have a wide array of health benefits. In modern times, gemstones are mainly used for ornamental purposes. However, some people still believe you can receive health bonuses from certain gemstones and minerals.
There are a number of different types of crystals, each filled with their own healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul. They are thought to promote the flow of good energy and help rid the bod and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits. Some metals are also thought to carry properties that can be helpful to us.
This list only includes those gemstones, crystals, and metals which I have integrated in my collection. Each links to the specific pieces.

Agate is known to cleanse and stabilize one’s aura by eliminating and transforming negativity. It enhances mental function, improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension creating a sense of security and safety.

Amazonite is a soothing stone stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health. Amazonite crystal therapies are primarily associated with filtering out stresses, physical and emotional traumas, and with soothing energies in the home and workplace. It dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system. It is known to protect against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves.

Aquamarine is a stone symbolizing courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It is known to invoke tolerance of others and to overcome judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. The stone is said to be a positive force that can bring happiness to its wearer and help cope with the grieving process.

Agate is known to cleanse and stabilize one’s aura by eliminating and transforming negativity. It enhances mental function, improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension creating a sense of security and safety.

Amazonite is a soothing stone stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health. Amazonite crystal therapies are primarily associated with filtering out stresses, physical and emotional traumas, and with soothing energies in the home and workplace. It dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system. It is known to protect against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves.

Aquamarine is a stone symbolizing courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It is known to invoke tolerance of others and to overcome judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. The stone is said to be a positive force that can bring happiness to its wearer and help cope with the grieving process.

Carnelian is known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. It stimulates creativity and restores vitality. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is known to be useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and perceptions. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, rage and resentment. Known to boost fertility and stimulate sexuality.

Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and promotes overall generosity. It is said to aid with emotional balance, stamina, vitality, endurance, energy, kindness and friendliness. It alleviates hostility self-doubt, negative thoughts and emotions, and nightmares. It is said that it lessens the effects of dementia and senility. Creates openness and enthusiasm, and increases physical energy. Enhances mental flexibility and verbal dexterity, while enhancing listening skills.

Druzy Quartz
Druzy quartz crystals boost creativity, imagination and induce relaxation. It helps awaken positive self-love; heals from the physical, mental and spiritual levels. It is used to connect more easily with their own inherent healing powers. It provides a balance in your life to avoid depression, fear, sadness or feelings of abandonment. It reduces stress and uplifts you emotionally. It is also thought to help the immune and reproductive systems.

Carnelian is known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. It stimulates creativity and restores vitality. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is known to be useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and perceptions. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, rage and resentment. Known to boost fertility and stimulate sexuality.

Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and promotes overall generosity. It is said to aid with emotional balance, stamina, vitality, endurance, energy, kindness and friendliness. It alleviates hostility self-doubt, negative thoughts and emotions, and nightmares. It is said that it lessens the effects of dementia and senility. Creates openness and enthusiasm, and increases physical energy. Enhances mental flexibility and verbal dexterity, while enhancing listening skills.

Druzy Quartz
Druzy quartz crystals boost creativity, imagination and induce relaxation. It helps awaken positive self-love; heals from the physical, mental and spiritual levels. It is used to connect more easily with their own inherent healing powers. It provides a balance in your life to avoid depression, fear, sadness or feelings of abandonment. It reduces stress and uplifts you emotionally. It is also thought to help the immune and reproductive systems.

Hematite focuses on energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit. It is known to dissolve negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence. If you wish to promote a deep, healing sleep, hematite is a good choice. Magnetic hematite is known to be effective in healing pain because it maintains the charge of nerve cells. Magnetic hematite will also regulate the blood flow in the body. It is also used to cure and relieve headaches and anemia. Additional physical benefits include relief from cramps, spinal problems and fractured bones.

Jasper is known to relieve fear, frustration and guilt, building an inner strength and confidence. It is a particularly good stone for bringing energies of wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. The stone is also supposed to help one feel more stable and grounded and may help with dream recollection. Healing properties associated with red jasper are better blood circulation, a healthy heart and liver, and increased physical energy, fertility, and sexuality. Stimulates imagination, while transforming ideas into action.

A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities. It can be used to bring amazing changes to your life and their vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity, so they cannot be used for ill will. Wearing a piece of this stone is known to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before.

Hematite focuses on energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit. It is known to dissolve negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence. If you wish to promote a deep, healing sleep, hematite is a good choice. Magnetic hematite is known to be effective in healing pain because it maintains the charge of nerve cells. Magnetic hematite will also regulate the blood flow in the body. It is also used to cure and relieve headaches and anemia. Additional physical benefits include relief from cramps, spinal problems and fractured bones.

Jasper is known to relieve fear, frustration and guilt, building an inner strength and confidence. It is a particularly good stone for bringing energies of wholeness and healing to an environment or situation. The stone is also supposed to help one feel more stable and grounded and may help with dream recollection. Healing properties associated with red jasper are better blood circulation, a healthy heart and liver, and increased physical energy, fertility, and sexuality. Stimulates imagination, while transforming ideas into action.

A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities. It can be used to bring amazing changes to your life and their vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity, so they cannot be used for ill will. Wearing a piece of this stone is known to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before.

Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy. It is especially helpful in removing self-imposed blockages and constraints. Larimar assists us in taking control of our lives by dissolving self-sabotaging behavior, alleviating guilt and removing fear.

Lemurian Seed Crystal
Lemurian Seed Crystal is a master crystal that can give multi-level healing in your body, heart, mind, and spirit. It has a powerful, soothing, and gentle energy that can heal ailments and disorders, especially when you combine it with Sodalite. Its healing energies are particularly beneficial in the treatment of spinal disorders and circulatory problems. It can also help remove the toxins in the body.

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. Moonstone jewelry has been used to alleviate anxiety, depression, insomnia, and to promote creativity.

Larimar is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. It stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love energy. It is especially helpful in removing self-imposed blockages and constraints. Larimar assists us in taking control of our lives by dissolving self-sabotaging behavior, alleviating guilt and removing fear.

Lemurian Seed Crystal
Lemurian Seed Crystal is a master crystal that can give multi-level healing in your body, heart, mind, and spirit. It has a powerful, soothing, and gentle energy that can heal ailments and disorders, especially when you combine it with Sodalite. Its healing energies are particularly beneficial in the treatment of spinal disorders and circulatory problems. It can also help remove the toxins in the body.

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. Moonstone jewelry has been used to alleviate anxiety, depression, insomnia, and to promote creativity.

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Carry Pyrite in your pocket to protect you from both environmental pollution and physical danger. Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being.

Clear quartz is highly prized for its ability to clear the mind of negativity to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. It is considered the master of all healing crystals due to its ability to magnify or amplify healing vibrations of other crystals. This clear quartz benefit is at the heart of clear quartz meaning. Smoky Quartz gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination from the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smoky Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.

It wasn’t until the 1996 Nobel Prize-winning research that discovered antioxidant fullerenes within the stone that people began to become aware of shunghite’s healing power - even though it has been around for an estimated 2 billion years. It is now considered to be the Miracle Stone of the 21st Century. It is now the go-to stone for electromagnetic field (EMF) protection, purification and detoxification of the body, as well as general healing and emotional well being. To recharge, it can be left in direct sunlight for a day.

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Carry Pyrite in your pocket to protect you from both environmental pollution and physical danger. Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being.

Clear quartz is highly prized for its ability to clear the mind of negativity to enhance higher spiritual receptiveness. It is considered the master of all healing crystals due to its ability to magnify or amplify healing vibrations of other crystals. This clear quartz benefit is at the heart of clear quartz meaning. Smoky Quartz gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination from the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smoky Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.

It wasn’t until the 1996 Nobel Prize-winning research that discovered antioxidant fullerenes within the stone that people began to become aware of shunghite’s healing power - even though it has been around for an estimated 2 billion years. It is now considered to be the Miracle Stone of the 21st Century. It is now the go-to stone for electromagnetic field (EMF) protection, purification and detoxification of the body, as well as general healing and emotional well being. To recharge, it can be left in direct sunlight for a day.

Terahertz stone is a powerful healing gemstone that can help people who have issues in the bloodstreams. Because of its long wavelength, the stone can help in improving the bloodstream. It improves the flow of blood eliminating the clots in the bloodstream. Terahertz is known to stimulate metabolism and rejuvenation.

Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye is a stone of protection. A powerful stone that helps you release fear and anxiety and aids in harmony and balance. it has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting one to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Tiger Eye is known to stabilize mood swing, imbues one with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence.

Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, motivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most. It promotes truth and forgiveness. Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is known as a stone of love and good fortune. Topaz is known to promote openness and honesty, self-realization and self-control. It aids problem-solving and assists in expressing ideas. Stabilizes the emotions, making you receptive to love from all sources.

Terahertz stone is a powerful healing gemstone that can help people who have issues in the bloodstreams. Because of its long wavelength, the stone can help in improving the bloodstream. It improves the flow of blood eliminating the clots in the bloodstream. Terahertz is known to stimulate metabolism and rejuvenation.

Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye is a stone of protection. A powerful stone that helps you release fear and anxiety and aids in harmony and balance. it has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting one to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Tiger Eye is known to stabilize mood swing, imbues one with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence.

Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, motivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most. It promotes truth and forgiveness. Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is known as a stone of love and good fortune. Topaz is known to promote openness and honesty, self-realization and self-control. It aids problem-solving and assists in expressing ideas. Stabilizes the emotions, making you receptive to love from all sources.

Tourmaline spiritual healing properties are energy-based. Tourmaline clears negative energy or transforms it into good energy that is then used to strengthen the body and spirit. It is known to release tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments. It balances yin and yang in the body. Tourmaline enhances energy flow, making it a stone for removing blockages. It promotes self-confidence and lessens fear. It banishes feelings of being a victim. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion tolerance and prosperity. It is known to be helpful in treating paranoia, dyslexia, improves hand/eye coordination.

Tourmaline spiritual healing properties are energy-based. Tourmaline clears negative energy or transforms it into good energy that is then used to strengthen the body and spirit. It is known to release tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments. It balances yin and yang in the body. Tourmaline enhances energy flow, making it a stone for removing blockages. It promotes self-confidence and lessens fear. It banishes feelings of being a victim. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion tolerance and prosperity. It is known to be helpful in treating paranoia, dyslexia, improves hand/eye coordination.

Tourmaline spiritual healing properties are energy-based. Tourmaline clears negative energy or transforms it into good energy that is then used to strengthen the body and spirit. It is known to release tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments. It balances yin and yang in the body. Tourmaline enhances energy flow, making it a stone for removing blockages. It promotes self-confidence and lessens fear. It banishes feelings of being a victim. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion tolerance and prosperity. It is known to be helpful in treating paranoia, dyslexia, improves hand/eye coordination.

Tourmaline spiritual healing properties are energy-based. Tourmaline clears negative energy or transforms it into good energy that is then used to strengthen the body and spirit. It is known to release tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments. It balances yin and yang in the body. Tourmaline enhances energy flow, making it a stone for removing blockages. It promotes self-confidence and lessens fear. It banishes feelings of being a victim. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion tolerance and prosperity. It is known to be helpful in treating paranoia, dyslexia, improves hand/eye coordination.

Worldwide Shipping
I offer worldwide shipping. However, please be certain that all materials are importable in your country, such as various gemstones or leather. I will attempt to describe each piece fully, including materials used, for your information.

Most pieces of jewelry are customizable to fit your needs and taste. Contact me with your special request.

All pieces are made to order. My inventory consists of unfinished pieces, ready to be finished according your order. Please allow 1-5 days for completion.

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All purchases are made through PayPal. I do not receive any sensitive financial information from them.